language:中文-English 400-800-3766

Our responsibility

We always take ecological civilization and environmental protection as our responsibility, and practice the concept of "green development, circular development, low-carbon development" to improve the environment and benefit future generations.
We always adhere to "win-win development", make use of our own platform advantages, effectively integrate the park and upstream and downstream resources, achieve complementary advantages, harmonious common development, and promote industry progress!
Never forget the beginning, adhere to the dream, the company has always been "reduce, reuse, resources" as the principle, with low consumption, low emissions, high efficiency criteria, resolutely do not engage in pollution
Transfer, with "high-end development" and "innovative development" to enhance the level of enterprises and products, to achieve ecological protection, to achieve harmony with the local environment, to achieve sustainable development of enterprises!
Be grateful to the society, give back to the society, start from the side, start from the local, and contribute to the creation of a better society.

Responsibility to stakeholders

Deal with the relationship between enterprises and stakeholders, and make demonstrations in building harmonious labor relations, caring for the growth of employees, repaying investors, coordinating public relations, creating environmentally friendly and resource-saving enterprises, etc.

Shareholders & Investors

Integrity management, true disclosure of business status and important information, attach great importance to the rights and interests of shareholders and investors.

Customer & Partner

To be a reliable and well-serviced supplier of products and solutions.


Promote fair and healthy competition, achieve harmonious and common development, and promote industry progress.


Guarantee fair supply and procurement procedures, promote win-win situation, and achieve maximum benefits together.


To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, create a good working environment, give satisfactory treatment, provide education and training, and create development space to them


Practice green production, promote circular economy, energetically save energy and reduce emissions, and achieve sustainable development of enterprises.


Actively participate in social public welfare undertakings, strengthen humanistic care, serve community undertakings, and build a harmonious society.


Strictly abide by laws and regulations, obey government supervision, pay taxes according to law, and become excellent corporate citizens.

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